Coming Soon...


Autistic? ADHD? Neurodivergent? Disabled? Mental illness?Are you tired of trying to fit yourself into a box? Do you feel like you're constantly apologizing for your natural traits and limits?Join me on a 12-day online journey to find authentic confidence.

desgined for your brain

12 Days

The Confidence Codex is a 12-day online jouney designed specifically for YOU, based on lived experience.

About your guide

Hi, I'm Láyla

I'm an autistic artist who grew up in the wilderness. I live with multiple invisible disabilities, including AuDHD, C-PTSD, and severe migraine disorder.
I'm also a professional speaker with a background in psychology and I create content and resources for neurodivergent folks. I'm excited to share this journey with you!

find natural confidence

Are you ready?

No matter your disability, you are enough and you deserve to be here.Are you ready to draw a line in the sand and start taking up space?If you answered "YES!", sign up for the journey below. I'll be here to guide you every step of the way!


I'm ready!

"I'm drawing a line in the sand TODAY. I'm ready to feel more confident and love myself the way I am! Please add me to the waitlist and send me my exclusive discount code as soon as the Confidence Codex is available. <3"